For Investors
We are seeking investors and partners to join with us in raising capital toward the following social impact and industry solutions. All underscore values that inspire and drive progress at Intero Life Sciences: inclusivity, public safety, cutting-edge science and technology.
For more information, please contact us at
Current Solution Development Fundraising
1. WheresMyDoc (Type - Social Impact Solution)
A health equity and inclusion platform that helps patients find needed healthcare services at the right time, right location, by the right care provider via real-time applications. This AI-based platform integrates disparate patient, provider, and clinical data for accuracy, ultimately reducing wait times for treatment, building public healthcare system sustainability and profitability, and driving healthcare accessibility to all patients, regardless of socioeconomic status.
This project is commissioned by a North Carolina county government and sponsored by NC State Government for potential statewide implementation. A scalable platform, it has potential for expansion nationally and internationally.
2. AgSecure (Type - Social Impact & Industry Solution)
A first-of-its-kind proactive approach to food supply safety and security. This end-to-end solution incorporates biometrics, analytics, and machine-learning in order to perform real-time analysis of crop integrity from producer to consumer. Contamination arising from natural or intentional causes is rapidly identified, food recalls are reduced, and farms achieve better crop yields.
This solution is built in partnership with the plant research department at a major regional university and in collaboration with a leading international scientific instruments manufacturer.
3. Salus (Type - Social Impact & Industry Solution)
A multi-purpose, cloud-based bio-detection platform that reduces the time to action in the case of natural or man-made pandemic disease. Designed to align with current national biosurveillance initiatives and directives. Integration of clinical, analytical, and mapping data provides location and scope of potential threat, while specialized computational workflows within the platform direct both individual and aggregated reporting to health stakeholders.
This solution is built in partnership with one of the largest global scientific instruments manufacturers. Currently under review by a U.S. Federal Agency.